Thousands of cattle have died in Kansas over the weekend due to extreme heat and humidity, reports Reuters.
Several reports circulating on the internet claim that 3000 head of cattle have sadly lost their lives as a result of heat stress. However, greater damage has been suggested based on the data obtained from farmers and livestock experts.
The rising temperature in Kansas has raised concern and the final death count is yet to come in, according to DTN.
The reported peak of the extreme heat spiked by Monday, June 13, reaching 104 degrees with humidity as high as 35%.
While temperatures have relatively eased from Tuesday, June 14, the number of cattle deaths continue to pour.
The death toll is expected to further increase due to the continuance of the heat wave, which has no end in sight.
The recent heat wave is considered to be one of the worst natural disasters in Kansas. Livestock experts reportedly believed that the event has caused significant damage in livestock agriculture as of Monday, with no specific incurred amount of economic damage at this time.
Animal deaths, as well as human fatalities from heat stress, dehydration, and other hazards related to heat wave are common.
However, intense heat in the United States in recent years have indicated a worsening natural calamity due to climate change and global warming.
Based on the data obtained by livestock experts, DTN has reported that the “current heat wave blazing through Kansas feedlots has killed an estimated 10,000 head of fat cattle,” as of Tuesday (June 14).
The temperature in the area was reported to be more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit over the weekend.
At the time of writing, the exact number of deceased cattle in Kansas has not been confirmed.
While the exact number of succumbed cows in Kansas hasn’t been revealed, reports with varied counts are making rounds on the internet. Some even use the term ‘head of cattle’, so it is important for you to know its meaning.
The term is used to represent a particular number of cattle.
Fauna Facts explain: “A head of cattle is a way of describing a group of cattle according to how many individual cattle are in the group, which is usually a ranch or farm. For example, if a farmer says he has a 140 head of cattle herd, his herd of cattle contains 140 cows.”
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