Potentially hazardous asteroid to fly by Earth today!– OnMyWay Mobile App User News

Name of the asteroid Diameter of the asteroid (in metre) Fly-by distance (in kms) Next close approach
2021 BA 22.3 3.7 million January 19, 2023
2022 AW 48.1 3.6 million July 10, 2029
2022 AA6 13.4 4.6 million Unknown
Name of the asteroid Date of close approach
(2022 AB) January 20
(2022 AE6) January 20
(2022 AX4) January 21
(2018 PN22) January 21
(2017 XC62) January 24
(2021 BZ) January 27
(2022 AN5) January 28
(2022 AG6) January 28