• Alyssa Snider, Age: 24, Hometown/Current City: Sarasota, Florida, Occupation: Marketing rep
  • Ameerah Jones (pronounced Ah-mirr-ah), Age: 31, Hometown/Current City: Westminster, Maryland, Occupation: Content designer
  • Brittany Hoopes, Age: 32, Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia, Current City: Austin, Texas, Occupation: Hypnotherapist
  • Daniel Durston, Age: 35, Hometown: Ontario, Canada, Current City: Las Vegas, Nevada, Occupation: Vegas performer
  • Indy Santos, Age: 31, Hometown: São Paulo, Brazil, Current City: Los Angeles, California Occupation: Corporate flight attendant
  • Jasmine Davis, Age: 29, Hometown: Terry, Mississippi, Current City: Atlanta, Georgia, Occupation: Entrepreneur
  • Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli (pronounced Pooch-ah-rel-ee), Age: 24, Hometown: Staten Island, N.Y., Current City: Boca Raton, Florida, Occupation: Assistant football coach
  • Kyle Capener (pronounced Cape-ner), Age: 29, Hometown/Current City: Bountiful, Utah, Occupation: Unemployed
  • Marvin Achi (pronounced Ah-chee), Age: 28, Hometown: Rivers State, Nigeria, Current City: Houston, Texas, Occupation: Chemical processing engineer
  • Matt “Turner” Turner, Age: 23, Hometown: North Attleborough, Massachusetts, Current City: New Bedford, Massachusetts, Occupation: Thrift store owner
  • Michael Bruner, Age: 28, Hometown: Saint Michael, Minnesota, Current City: Rochester, Minnesota, Occupation: Attorney
  • Monte Taylor, Age: 27, Hometown/Current City: Bear, Delaware, Occupation: Personal trainer
  • Nicole Layog (pronounced Lay-ogg), Age: 41, Hometown/Current City: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Occupation: Private chef
  • Paloma Aguilar, Age: 22, Hometown/Current City: San Marcos, California, Occupation: Interior designer
  • Taylor Hale, Age: 27, Hometown/Current City: West Bloomfield, Michigan, Occupation: Personal stylist
  • Terrance Higgins, Age: 47, Hometown/Current City: Chicago, Illinois, Occupation: Bus operator
  • UPDATE: On Tuesday night, several hours after the cast was released, the Big Brother official Twitter account said Marvin Achi is no longer part of the show.