The Social Responsibility “SaaS” Companies Can No Longer Ignore

The Social Responsibility “SaaS” Companies Can No Longer Ignore

The rise of SaaS (Software as a Service) companies has undeniably revolutionized the way we operate online. They’ve streamlined our processes, improved productivity, and made it possible for companies to expand and grow at unprecedented rates.


Yet, there’s one significant area where many SaaS companies have lagged: Social Impact, specifically around the issue of distracted driving.

Distracted Driving: A Silent Epidemic For Saas Employees and Families. According to OSHA, distracted driving is the #1 cause of employee deaths

Let that sink in. Every day, 11 employees from companies just like yours won’t make it home because of a preventable tragedy.

They’re not numbers; they’re fathers, mothers, siblings, and friends. The sad reality? Many of these deaths could be averted with the right focus and action from companies, especially those in the influential SaaS sector


Why SaaS Companies Can’t Stay Silent

While the primary operations of SaaS companies are online, it’s a dangerous fallacy to believe that they aren’t connected to the physical world or the communities they serve.

Their employees commute. They have families who drive. Their clients and customers are all part of the very fabric of the communities ravaged by the consequences of distracted driving.

Thus, these companies have a pressing responsibility – one they can’t afford to neglect any longer.

The Game Changer: OnMyWay

If there’s a silver lining in this dire situation, it’s that solutions exist.

Solutions like OnMyWay, the #1 mobile app and social impact platform dedicated to combatting distracted driving. By partnering with OnMyWay, SaaS companies can demonstrate their commitment to safety and their community’s well-being.

Benefits of OnMyWay Partnership for SaaS Companies:

Protect Employees and Families: By promoting safe driving habits, you ensure that your employees, their families, and the broader community are safer every time they hit the road.

Boost Company Image / PR Equity: Showing that you care about real-world issues enhances your reputation, making customers and potential employees view your company as responsible and community driven.

Liability: Advertising with OnMyWay Social Impact Ads can help SaaS Companies limit their liability by demonstrating that they have taken reasonable steps to prevent or minimize the harm caused by distracted driving.

*According to the National Safety Council, employers can be held liable for distracted driving accidents involving their employees under two legal theories: vicarious liability and negligence. By providing or requiring their employees to use OnMyWay while driving for work purposes, car dealerships can reduce their exposure to legal claims and damages.

Saving Lives / Social Impact: OnMyWay, the #1 mobile app and social impact platform that has saved 216 lives and prevented over 33,153 car crashes, so far…

Here are the 10 most outrageous perks from companies that do NOT actively enforce distracted driving free workplaces?!

Save The Nap and Save A Life!

1. Nap Pods at Google: Catch some Z’s during work hours to rejuvenate!

2. Acupressure Massages at Facebook: Need we say more?

3. Rock Climbing Walls at Airbnb: Elevate your break times, quite literally!

4. Private Concerts at Dropbox: Enjoy exclusive performances from top artists.

5. In-house Brewed Beer at Adobe: Cheers to creativity!

6. Shoe Repair Service at LinkedIn: Walk your career path with polished shoes.

7. Personal Stylists at Salesforce: Dress sharp with some expert advice!

8. Doggy Day Care at Amazon: Your furry friends deserve the best, right next to your desk

9. Ice Cream Bar at Zynga: Chill out with some delicious treats.

10. Unlimited Kindle Books at Microsoft: Dive into any story you desire, any time.

Time for Accountability

Until now, SaaS companies might not have felt the immediate pressure to engage with social impact causes. However, times have changed.

The lines between the online realm and our day-to-day lives are blurred. It’s not enough to be a pioneer in the digital world if you’re passive about urgent, real-world crises.

The message is clear: SaaS companies, it’s high time to step up and take responsibility. Partnering with platforms like OnMyWay isn’t just about corporate responsibility—it’s about saving lives.

So, as we navigate our increasingly digital age, remember that the virtual and physical worlds aren’t separate entities. The choices made in one profoundly impact the other.

Embrace your role and make a difference where it truly counts.

OnMyWay, the #1 mobile app and social impact platform that has saved 216 lives and prevented over 33,153 car crashes, so far…

To get started, visit OnMyWay’s website


OnMyWay is the Only Texting and Driving Solution That Pays
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